I love that you’re here. welcome. a little about me; i’m a queer, autistic artist from lansing mi. i proudly consider myself a mushy, supportive, wing woman of a photographer, partner + cat mother. in my work, i aim to capture those little moments of truth. i’m inspired by regular stuff. the mundane. the ordinary. vulnerability, little pockets of light, and being witness to the genuine connection between humans in love. fun fact about me: almost no one i know calls me “laicee”. i was gifted “lazer” as a nickname when i was about 19 and it stuck- thank the universe. i actually always really wanted a nickname.
you can call me whichever feels best to you.
you’ll most often find me at home in my south lansing abode, graciously receiving a foot rub from my darling angel of a husband, starting paintings and never finishing them, watching new girl for the ten thousandth time,
or making a new recipe i found on tik tok.
laicee thill photography is a space for all to be seen and feel comfortable as you are. for couples and families seeking a fun, open-minded, intentional photographer in lansing, michigan, and beyond- ltp is for you
if you wanna get to know me more personally, follow me on instagram!